moleculair bioloog gezocht

  • Veronica Sosa

    Ducth company located in a prestige hospital is requesting a moleculair bioloog to work in Cancun, Mexico, with experience to process DNA human samples by PCR

    detecting Human Papillome Virus and others kind of human samples.

    For further information please send an email to contact us.

  • Kalil Boutaga

    Graag zou ik van u willen weten of deze positie nog open staat of is reeds aangevuld?


    Boutaga, PhD

  • thomas delvecchio


    I am looking for an interesting job where I can do a lot of biological analysis . I am living and working in Italy (close to Rimini), so please let me know if there might be any possibility of working with you on this project.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    I remain

    Yours faithfully,

    Thomas Delvecchio